A handful of people… Something which resembles happiness
Une poignée de gens… Quelque chose qui ressemble au bonheur
Vélo Théâtre
Touring contact:
Aurélie Aloy
+33 (0)6 74 77 04 42
Le Carreau — Scène Nationale de Forbach et de l’Est mosellan (57)
La Garance — Scène Nationale de Cavaillon (84)
FMTM — Festival Mondial des Théâtres de Marionnettes de Charleville-Mézières (08)
Festival de Brighton — Angleterre
Théâtre Durance — Scène conventionnée Château-Arnoux/Saint-Auban (04)
Le Pôle Arts de la Scène/Friche la Belle de Mai (13)
et l’appui de la DRAC PACA
object theatre
a participative, walkabout show
all public from 10 years old – 95’
Does happiness not come from the way in which we observe the small things in life, the things that carry a spark or open doors to our imagination?
Happiness needs wandering, like the one we offer ourselves when we begin a voyage. It is on the path we travel, with the right to drift, with discoveries and pitfalls.
What moves us when we go on a voyage? What are we looking for?
What do we expect from the unknown, is it the contact with others? and if by allowing us to enter their lives, would they not enlighten our own?
Here we attempt to do so with lightness and humour.
In this creation, we call upon the memories of a handful of people we have met and questioned on the theme of happiness.
It is based upon their testimonies and their experiences. It is the replies from children, elderly folk, Mr and Mrs everyone.
In our shows, we are often driven by a need to transform or re-invent the performance space. This time we use a space in which the actors and spectators cohabit.
The spectators whom we name travellers, are guided on their journey by two station masters André and Luiz, accompanied by Luciano the musician.
Concept, scenography and performance Tania Castaing & Charlot Lemoine
Concept, scenography, light design and performance José Lopez
Concept, music design, video, sound and light control, and performance Fabien Cartalade
Concept, dramaturgy and direction Catherine Poher
Staged assistant Nicolas Joray
Installations Flop Lefebvre
Technical support Les Ateliers du Spectacle
Photo Gallery
- Photo Christophe Loiseau
- Photo Christophe Loiseau
- Photo Christophe Loiseau
- Photo Christophe Loiseau
- Photo Christophe Loiseau
- Photo Christophe Loiseau
What it’s been said about “A Handful of People…”
Toute la culture, avril 2017
Télérama Sortir, mars 2017