Et il me mangea
And then he ate me
Vélo Théâtre
Touring contact:
Aurélie Aloy
+33 (0)6 74 77 04 42
object theatre
all public, from 10 years old – length: 60’
The story is the house…
This small, fragile, protective house becomes the stage of our fears when the wolf looms outside. A visual théâtre piece using objects as a vocabulary, exploring the poetry and the symbolism of the house.
The house is the story…
The wolf is in no hurry, his jaws are the cogged wheels of Time, he is just waiting his chance ! His halting breath fills the air with forbidden desire.
He is proud of his genealogy, going back as far as the god Saturn who ate his children, and even further to Anubis the Egyptian dog, gardien of the kingdom of the dead.
To satisfy his devouring passion, he asks us to continue telling stories in which he is the hero. Next to him his manservant, originally from wonderland. He is a contriving rabbit, constantly running between two worlds, trying to gain time. He is the guardian and manipulator who holds the key to this house. Christine remembers everything in this illuminated house. She advances softly, walking slowly traversing time… talking to us.
It might have been a fairy tail which we all seem to know. But does anybody really know what happenend ?…
And then… he ate me is like an illustrated book, a theatre of images and emotions.
A Show by and with Charlot Lemoine, Tania Castaing, José Lopez
Direction Francesca Bettini
In the Press
“Le Vélo théâtre (…) has been experimenting for over 25 years with an expressive language that relies on manipulating objects which set the wheels of our imagination in motion. So all this is staged in a very playful way because we recognize the key, the playing cards, the cake. (…) We go on a walk in a world of sounds and images both familiar and completely strange …. ”
“Permission de sortir” on France Inter, 03/21/2012 by Dominique Duthuit
“(…) Admirably lit, ingenious in its form (shadow theater, torn papers, miniature props), the new creation of the Vélo Théâtre modestly tells a bestial story. And delivers a last subliminal message: be brave, go out at night! ”
“Une histoire criminelle”, Zibeline, May 2010
Photo Gallery
- Photo Christophe Loiseau
- Photo Christophe Loiseau
- Photo Christophe Loiseau
- Photo Christophe Loiseau
- Photo Christophe Loiseau
- Photo Christophe Loiseau
- Photo Christophe Loiseau