There’s a Rabbit in the Moon
Y’a un lapin dans la lune

Vélo Théâtre

Touring contact:
Aurélie Aloy
+33 (0)6 74 77 04 42

object theatre
all public, from 4 years old / schools from 4 to 10 years old – length: 1 hr

One dark night far far away Thomas Snout was born. Ever since he collects nights, capturing them with his bare hands, which is not an easy task as obscurity is black and dirty and leaves traces.

It is also dangerous, as fears live in the night as fish live in the sea.

Over the years Thomas Snout has collected 3845 nights, big and little, with or without moonlight, starred or starless ; nights of his own, nights of others, as well as a few that have lent to him…

Thomas Snout’s workshop
Thomas Snout brings back every day, to his workshop, small things that he harvests at night: dry leaves that the winter wind raises moonless nights, fireworks of a night of French July 14th, recordings of enamored cats and owls, words whispered in the silence of the night.

Thomas Snout’s visitors
When Thomas Snout welcomes visitors to his studio to show them his collection, he invites them to wear a comfortable nightcostume to put them at ease. Do not think Snout takes advantage of the darkness to surprise you easily or even scare you, no, Thomas Snout is not that kind of person who relies on special effects to seduce the audience. Thomas Snout is someone who has read Pinocchio, the Little Prince, Pirandello and Polichinelle, to name only those who start with a “P”. As a great night traveler, he just likes to tell stories that people love to listen to when others sleep …

Directed by Francesca Bettini
With Charlot Lemoine, José Lopez and Tania Castaing or Sabrina Lambert

Photo Gallery